- Framework:
- Gradd Ddigidol
- Lefel:
- 6
Software Engineer - Design, development, coding, testing and implementation of high-quality software solutions for use in a variety of platforms (application, web, mobile, mainframe etc.). They apply engineering principles to the full software development life cycle and ensuring security robustness is built in.
Software Tester - Ensures the high quality of software products and digital solutions through planning, designing and executing structured tests against the specified requirements using appropriate manual and/or automated test environments. They define test cases, creating representative test data for each test case.
Opsiynau a lefelau llwybrau
Applied Software Engineering - Lefel 6
Supports the role of an Applied Software Engineer.
Mwy o wybodaeth
Lefel 6: 24 mis
Llwybrau dilyniant
Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship – Applied Software Engineering:
- employment as a software engineer in the job roles stated in this framework or similar job roles
- Masters Degrees in the relevant specialism.
Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship – Applied Data Science:
- employment as a data scientist in the job roles stated in this framework or similar job roles
- Masters Degrees in the relevant specialism.
Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship – Applied Cyber Security Management:
- employment as a cyber-security analyst in the job roles stated in this framework or similar job roles
- Masters Degrees in the relevant specialism.
Level 6: Applied Software Engineering Degree.
Level 6: Applied Data Science Degree.
Level 6: Applied Cyber Security Management BSc (Hons).
Beth yw'r gofynion mynediad ar gyfer y llwybr hwn?
Mae gan bob llwybr prentisiaeth yng Nghymru ofynion mynediad. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dilyn y llwybr hwn – mae angen i chi gael y cymhwyster lefel mynediad canlynol;
Lefel 6
Level 6 is primarily suitable for applicants who have either completed “A” levels appropriate for university entrance, or who may have already completed a related apprenticeship at Levels 3, 4 or 5.
Please note: Applicants for this apprenticeship pathway are likely to be 19+ years.
Processes exist to make sure that applicants with relevant prior knowledge, qualifications and/or experience are not disadvantaged by having to repeat learning. Colleges and universities will be able to advise on the current rules for accrediting prior learning and recognising prior experience.
Gweld llwybr llawn