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Hyfforddiant Personol

The content of this pathway has been agreed by SkillsActive. This is the only Personal Training apprenticeship pathway in the Travel, Tourism and Leisure sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.

DYDDIAD CYHOEDDI: 01/04/2024 ACW Fframwaith Rhif. FR05108

Cynnwys y Rhaglen Ddysgu

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:  

  1. Qualifications,  

  1. Essential Skills  

  • On/off the job training  
    The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway in Personal Training is 97 credits, with a minimum of 36 credits from the knowledge qualifications  

Gofynion mynediad

The Apprenticeship in Personal Training is designed for those who already work in the active leisure industry and wish to continue their professional development and specialise within a specific area of the sector.   

   Employers/training providers will devise appropriate recruitment systems and processes to determine whether candidates have or show the necessary attributes required to work within this sector. Apprentices may also need to undergo police checks for example when working with vulnerable adults and children.   

  Due to the wide range of courses available across the Sport, Active Leisure and Well-being sector, it is the responsibility of the Employer/Training Provider to review any qualifications that the apprentice may have previously achieved.  Prior achievement at a higher level does not automatically indicate that it is a proxy qualification for any part of the framework.  It is recommended that great care be taken at the initial assessment stage, to ensure the full apprenticeship framework is delivered, as required by the needs of the industry.  

Rhaglen(ni) dd/dysgu'r llwybr prentisiaeth


K1 - Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
Active IQ C00/4779/4 43 430 Cyfun English Only
1st4Sport C00/0970/9 601/6792/0 36 360 Cyfun English-Welsh
K2 - Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner)
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
YMCA Awards C00/1253/8 603/2438/7 37 367 Cyfun English Only
K3 - Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
Active IQ C00/0448/5 600/5105/X 38 240 Cyfun English Only
Focus Awards C00/4925/0 601/7916/8 38 242 Cyfun English-Welsh
K4- Level 3 Diploma in Sport, Fitness and Personal Training
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
Pearson C00/3943/2 603/4928/1 95 950 Cyfun English-Welsh
K5- Level 3 Certificate in Planning and Delivering Personal Training
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
Focus Awards C00/4959/4 603/5232/2 41 280 Cyfun English-Welsh

Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru (ESW)

Lefel Isafswm Gwerth Credyd
Cymhwyso Rhif 2 6


Optional Cymwysterau

Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
RLSS UK Qualifications C00/1223/3 603/2266/4 2 22 Cyfun English Only
Level 3 Award in Supporting Pre & Postnatal Clients with Exercise and Nutrition
Corff Dyfarnu Rhif y Cymhwyster Gwerth Credyd Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster Cymhwysedd / Gwybodaeth / Cyfun Iaith/Ieithoedd Asesu'r Cymhwyster
ActiveIQ C00/4779/3 4 40 Cyfun English Only

Diwygiadau dogfennau

20 Chwefror 2025